Friday, November 21, 2008


Okay not the delicious camp fire treat, but definitley cuter!
I thought of smores when I was making Nolan his new hat. The colors definitley remind me of a smores.

Nolan is growing so much! He just loves the boys, as soon as he sees one of them he gets a huge smile on his adorable little face. They are so sweet with him. They talk and sing to him all day and he just loves it. He is so smiley all day it makes us all so happy!


Unknown said...

Awe! love that hat and he is an absolute doll!! love the catchlights in his eyes in this picture.

btw...i'm BethC from BBH

Unknown said...

awe, what a doll baby! love that hat and he is just adorable. LOve the catchlights in his eyes. Sweet!

BTW...I'm BethC from BBH